at Dalhousie Univeristy
Have a look at some of the research from our Lab Director, Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Barrero and work from other lab members.
Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Dal Ben, R., Killam, H., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2023). Word learning in 14-mont-old monolinguals and bilinguals: Challenges and methodological opportunities. Language Development Research, 3(1), 277-317.
Byers-Heinlein, K., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Schott, E., & Killam, H. (2023). Sometimes larger, sometimes smaller: Measuring vocabulary in monolingual and bilingual infants and toddlers. First Language.
Tsui, R. K. Y., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Schott, E., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2022). Are translation equivalents special? Evidence from simulations and empirical data from bilingual infants. Cognition, 225, 105084.
Germain, N., Gonzalez‐Barrero, A. M., & Byers‐Heinlein, K. (2022). Gesture development in infancy: Effects of gender but not bilingualism. Infancy, 27(4), 663-681.
Dal Ben, R., Brouillard, M., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Killam, H., Kremin, L. V., Quirk, E., ... & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2022). How open science can benefit bilingualism research: A lesson in six tales. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(5), 913-920.
Côté, S., Gonzalez-Barrero, A., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2022). Multilingual toddlers’ vocabulary development in two languages: Comparing bilinguals and trilinguals. Journal of Child Language, 49(1), 114-130.
Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. (2021). Bilingualism and language development in children with autism spectrum disorders. In Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (pp. 699-702). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Salama-Siroishka, N., Dubé, D., Brouillard, M., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2021). Effects of language dominance on home reading practices of bilingual families. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(1), 77-99.
Byers-Heinlein, K., Schott, E., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., Brouillard, M., Dubé, D., Jardak, A., Laoun-Rubenstein, A., Mastroberardino, M., Morin-Lessard, E., Iliaei, S.P., Salama-Siroishka, N., & Tamayo, M. P. (2020). MAPLE: A multilingual approach to parent language estimates. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23(5), 951-957.
Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. (2019). Brief report: Vocabulary and grammatical skills of bilingual children with autism spectrum disorders at school age. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 49, 3888-3897.
Gonzalez‐Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. S. (2019). Can bilingualism mitigate set‐shifting difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorders?. Child Development, 90(4), 1043-1060.
Nadig, A. S., & Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M. (2019). Proficient bilingualism may alleviate some executive function difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorders. In Bilingualism, executive function, and beyond. Questions and insights, (pp. 337-353). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Hoang, H., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. (2018). Narrative skills of bilingual children with autism spectrum disorder. Discours. Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique. A Journal of Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Computational Linguistics, (23).
Gonzalez‐Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. (2018). Bilingual children with autism spectrum disorders: The impact of amount of language exposure on vocabulary and morphological skills at school age. Autism Research, 11(12), 1667-1678.
Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. (2017). Verbal fluency in bilingual children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 7(3-4), 460-475.
Hani, H. B., Gonzalez-Barrero, A. M., & Nadig, A. S. (2013). Children's referential understanding of novel words and parent labeling behaviors: Similarities across children with and without autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Child Language, 40(5), 971-1002.